About Helen Kaiao Chang 
Ghostwriter Services

Are you looking for high-quality, affordable ghostwriter services? Are you excited about turning your knowledge and experience into money, credibility and a legacy? Me, too.

You are the author. I am the writer.

I am an experienced ghostwriter, editor and journalist, specializing in business, motivational and lifestyle topics.

My mission is to create more joy, peace and abundance in the world through stories that inform, move and inspire.

As a professional ghostwriter, I have written numerous books, workbooks, e-books and articles for alpha entrepreneurs and visionaries. They have used these products to enhance TV ratings, launch speaking careers, generate additional revenue streams, share their knowledge and leave their legacies.

I derive great satisfaction from knowing that I have helped my clients through my ghostwriter services. I help them tell their stories, share their knowledge and pass on wisdom. I derive even greater joy knowing that their stories have made a difference in the lives of their audience.

As a journalist, my stories have appeared in publications including Time, BusinessWeek, the International Herald Tribune, MSNBC.com, Fodors.com, NuWireInvestor.com, the San Francisco Chronicle, San Diego Business Journal and Elle. You can view my journalism work at helenchangwriter.comAs a citizen of the world, I hope that my stories might in some small way contribute to goodness on our planet.

I hold undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of California at Berkeley. I earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in comparative literature, as well as a Master of Journalism graduate degree, with an emphasis in business.

Born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii, I have traveled and lived throughout the world. I am happy to say I am a ghostwriter who helps people just like you, wherever you may be.

If you are interested in learning more about the services I offer, please contact me today

Related Resources

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Read more about finding a Ghostwriter or Editor

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  • “Thank you for your hard work, long hours, and commitment that you have put into this book. I would not be here if it wasn't for that one phone call. You believed in me, and I can't thank you enough for that, Helen.”

    Nisa Burns, author of Kitchenability, from Acknowledgments section

  • “To Helen Chang, for your editing brilliance and incredible cheerleading. Any person who has the privilege to work with you is very lucky.”

    Chad Mureta, Author, App Empire: Make Money, Have a Life and Let Technology Work for You

  • “To Helen Chang, noble warrior, editor, brave soul, and sojourner, who covers all the bases we would have missed had she not been there.”

    Michael Gerber, Author, The E-Myth Optometrist and other books, Acknowledgments chapter

  • “Helen Chang, wow, we did it! From book jail to book hell to book heaven, all in a few months. Your work ethic is unbelievable. You are a woman of excellence and diligence. I enjoyed working with you, and I love your heart for people.”

    Dani Johnson, Author, First Steps to Wealth, Acknowledgments chapter

  • “[Author Bridge Media] has taken me from talking about writing a book to actually having a book ready for the published market in under 4 months! Their support is amazing and if the author is willing to put in the time necessary, it can and will be done with this team.”

    Carmen Kosicek, RN, MSN, Author, Nurses, Jobs and Money: A Guide to Advancing Your Nursing Career and Salary